Hero: Cylindrical Ring  |  Zylindrischer Füllring

Cylindrical Ring

Cylindrical rings are the simplest form of the standard tower packing. Production is possible out of almost any material. The surface of the rings is 30% higher than the surface of simple cylinders or of balls. The elements have a high mechanical stability and are normally used in applications where they have been proven for years.

Cylindrical Rings

Type Size Weight kg/m3 Surface m2/m3 Void fraction in %
# 15-5 567 380 93
# 25-5 393 215 95
# 35-5 285 145 96
# 50-5 207 112 97
Data refer to stainless steel 1.4301 (AISI 304)

Available materials:
Carbon steel, stainless steel, Hastelloy, titanium, and others on request

Cylindrical Rings

Type Size Weight kg/m3 Surface m2/m3 Void fraction in %
# 6 1050 700 54
# 8 1000 623 57
# 10 820 499 64
# 15 780 274 66
# 25 610 174 73
# 38 550 121 76
# 50 520 86 77
# 80 536 81 77
# 100 670 64 71
Data refer to stoneware

Available materials:
Stoneware and others on request