Hero: RMSR Ring Metal  |  RMSR Ring Metall


RMSR (RVT metal saddle rings) offer excellent wetting properties – resulting in better mass transfer at a smaller hydraulic diameter compared to Pall rings. As a result of the open and modern grid structure, the pressure drop is also lower in comparison to Pall rings.


Type Size Weight lb/ft3 Surface ft2/ft3 Void fraction %
# 25-3 14.2 72 97
# 40-3 11.0 52 97
# 50-4 9.9 35 98
# 60-4 7.9 27 98
# 70-4 6.0 20 98
Data refers to stainless steel 1.4301 (AISI 304)

Available materials:
Carbon steel, stainless steel, Hastelloy, titanium, and others on request